venerdì 6 maggio 2016


Il sito Pharma Boardroom, che si occupa dei trend dell'industria farmaceutica in tutto il mondo, ospita un'intervista al presidente di SIFI Fabrizio Chines.
Il presidente Chines parla con orgoglio dell'investimento di SIFI in Adaptica:
Another contribution SIFI has made to Italian life science innovation is Adaptica. After we licensed some diagnostic technology from an American company and invested in the development of a first prototype, we had to shift our business focus away from diagnostics. Therefore we contributed to a start-up in Padua called Adaptica who finally succeeded in launching a highly innovative electronic phoropter on the market. We are proud to have brought this technology into Italy and also proud that it was an Italian company that developed and launched the resulting product; this is a great example of how innovation can be done collaboratively between companies with very different profiles, and this collaborative spirit is certainly a part of SIFI’s DNA. Now SIFI is a strategic shareholder with a minority stake in Adaptica.

Adaptica è un membro della Galassia di M31 che progetta, sviluppa e produce refrattometri e forotteri portatili dalle caratteristiche rivoluzionarie. La versione 4.0 del refrattometro portatile 2WIN ha raddoppiato le proprie applicazioni aggiungendo: range esteso di misura, zoom-imagine di retinoscopia, pupillometria dinamica, centratura delle lenti.

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